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Add Lightbox functionality to ADI platform: Due to the Support team's "support report" we became aware of a recurring request to add Lightbox functionalities to the ADI builder.​

In order to provide users with the curated content they needed within each Lightbox, I did the following:​​​

  • User Research: User persona, usage, and inspiration​​

  • Content Mapping: Selected based on Tableau reports which Business Types should be mapped with custom Lightbox

  • Metasite Creation: Created unique Default versions of each Lightbox 

    • Privacy, Welcome, Contact, Subscribe, Promotion, Legal

  • Localization: Collaborate with 12+ language specialists to QA localization work

  • QA Testing: Check if content and architecture/logic work. Work with Dev teams to solve any technical issues

  • Data Monitoring: Collaborate with the Designers, Engineers, and Data team to add functionality to ADI and monitor results.

6 month results showed tremendous usage - with Privacy Lightbox showing over 50k installations 

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Facilitate the template creation process by brainstorming template ideas, assisting with the development of user persona briefs, and writing/editing templates and accompanying descriptions.

The process starts with a template brief, in which we collaborate with the design teams as well as data, in order to create a brief in preparation for the template. The template briefs are typically made up of: an overview, some BI data breakdowns, visual directions, and content suggestions.

After the design team understands the brief and the requirements of the template they can begin designing it. Once the design is ready, the ADI team performs a template review and makes any edits or changes needed. After the template is created, the ADI team writes the UX copy (i.e. the description and tags within our CMS), the template is ready for publishing and production. We then push the ready template to the dev team to push the template to users.


A new template is created! it comes with new content and an accompanied overview/description which a user can access on the templates page.

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Presets are custom sections created by the Design team that exist in Editor / Editor X builders. They can be added and customized by the user. Oftentimes we are asked by the design team to collaborate with them in the creation of these presets in order to assist in building a more robust and user-friendly experience.

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We use Miro (design collaboration tool) to understand what types of presets the design team is requesting for Editor X. This batch was designed to be Service and Feature list presets. 

Once we organize the designs and understand the requirements, it's time to begin working on the content for the presets. We provide each design with multiple versions of text (short/long), in order to allow the designers to be flexible with their design.

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As a team we generally rotate and QA each other's work. After the QA review, we send to the preset designers to start adding to Editor and Editor X platforms.  

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